Sunday, June 28, 2009


past shows:

"21 groups of artists who participated in Offerings, a gigantic mega-collaboration that brought together 80 Philadelphia artists, placed them in groups of 4 with people they didn’t know or had never worked with, told them they couldn’t spend more than 50 bucks, and turned them loose to create work for our gallery. Actually, we started with 84 artists and ended up with about 72 that actually stuck with the project until the end. I think that’s a pretty good rate of retention considering how frustrating and difficult it can be to work with and agree with other humans!"

(Above images of my group project from "Offerings".
I worked with Aliene de Souza Howell and Nora Humpage)


upcoming show:

I have also received an artist in residency/studio
space with AIR-SPACE here in West Philadelphia!
Starts in August, stay tuned for a heavy year of ART.